楼主 |
发表于 2009-12-12 05:52:03
老中:Hi, good morning! (练这句话有用吗?早会了,也不用到外国练呀!)
老外:Morning! Nice weather ah? Any plan for the weekend? (嘿,全听懂了,真是太棒了。)
老中:Stay in home. (想说点啥,一时没想起,这句接得还周正。或许有点毛病?反正人家听懂了直点头,也没提出异议。)
老外:OK. Did you know last night there was a racoon got trapped in the dumpster? I heard the noise and called the cops, then they came and called the vets. A vet shot a tranquilizer dart from the tree at the its butt, ah bang, bulls-eye! Hell of a shot. Still, took them another hour to rescue tha’ poor bastard…
这回傻眼了。在老中听来,是这样的 ..last night …tra…dumpter? Heard noice ….shut ….lazer, 还有。。。什么“不在”啊不可能,老外一定不会中文,可能是个和中文“不在”同音的字吧。接下来是an hour ….pour…butter? 不懂,于是尴尬地说了声see you later. 回屋了。 |