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  • 打卡等级:常驻代表









发表于 2006-2-28 07:48:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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作者:Brian 文章来源:新浪教育

第一法则 为何要学习发音
Why you should study English pronunciation?

(IsaacZ注:上面的“you shoud”有语病,可能是Brian以口语行文,没有仔细推敲,大家不必计较。)

First impressions 第一印象

  Pronunciation is definitely the biggest thing that people notice when you are speaking English. Let us tell you a personal anecdote『故事、轶事』about this:

  We once went to a conversation class taught by native speaker (American). Before the class started, the teacher said to us: "So, do you speak good English?". I replied "We think so", and the teacher said "It sure sounds like you do『听起来好像确实是这样』".

  Notice that we just said three words and the teacher could already tell if our English was good or bad. Why did the teacher think our English was good? Because of the difficult words we used? No. Because we used advanced『高级的』grammar structures? No. It was our pronunciation.

  When you meet a person, and you just say a sentence or two, do you think they will notice your poor vocabulary or bad grammar? Probably not. But they will notice if your pronunciation is good or bad. If your pronunciation is poor, they will immediately think about you as "the guy/girl who speaks bad English". Your pronunciation creates the first impression you make.

Communication 沟通

  Good pronunciation should be one of the first things that you learn in English. You can live without advanced vocabulary—you can use simple words to say what you want to say. You can live without advanced grammar—you can use simple grammar structures instead. But there is no such thing as "simple pronunciation". If you don't have good pronunciation, you have... bad pronunciation.

  And the results of bad pronunciation are tragic『可怜的』. Even if you use great vocabulary and grammar, people may simply not understand what you want to say.

  For example, if you pronounce sleep like this, and not like that, or if you pronounce ghost like this instead of this, native speakers will have serious problems understanding you! In our opinion, you should know how to say English sounds like the ee in sleep or the o in ghost, before you even learn words like sleep and ghost.

  Here is another story about this. After coming back from a vacation in the USA, a friend of mine said:

  "Whenever I spoke to a person in America, they kept asking me "What? What?". I would repeat my sentence again and again. Finally they would say "Ah-ha!" and then say my sentence, using exactly my words! It was very humiliating『羞辱性的』. I knew my words and grammar were good, but nobody would understand me, just because of my pronunciation. I am very motivated to learn English now."

Can you communicate in English? 你能否用英文交谈?

  Almost all English learners say "I don't need to study pronunciation. I just want to communicate in English." Many of them think that they can communicate in English because they can communicate with their teacher and other students.

  Do not make this mistake! You have to remember that:

  Your teacher has been listening to bad English for years. So he or she can understand it much more easily than the average person.『所以他/她比普通人更容易听懂(发音不好的人讲的英语)』

  Other students are usually from the same country as you. Therefore, they speak English like you and they make the same mistakes. So it is easy for them to understand you.

  The only true test is: Go to America or Britain and try to talk to "normal people"—a clerk『职员』at a supermarket『超市』, a bus driver, etc. If they can understand you, then you can say that you can communicate in English.

  Unfortunately, many learners ignore『忽视』pronunciation. They can communicate in class, so they think that they are good enough. After a few years they go to England or the USA and nobody understands what they are saying. Remember My friend who went on vacation to America and couldn't communicate? He was the best student in his English class.

Communication is not enough 只是交流还不够

  If you can communicate in English with people from other countries, congratulations! It's a big achievement『成就』. But it may not be enough.

  If you are at Level 2 of pronunciation skill『发音处于二级水平』, your English is understandable『可以听懂』, but you have a strong foreign accent『外来口音』which is unpleasant『令人不愉快的』to other people.

  We have already said that your pronunciation is important because it makes your first impression. This is certainly true--nobody will say that you speak good English if you have a foreign accent. But there is more. If you have a pleasant accent, people will simply enjoy talking to you. They will want to spend time with you. On the other hand, if your accent is bad, people may be even avoiding『逃避』you (consciously or unconsciously『自觉和不自觉地』).

  The good news is that you can work on your pronunciation until you speak "understandable and pleasant English". For example, you can learn the sounds of English, listen to recordings, watch English television, etc.

  • 打卡等级:常驻代表









 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-28 08:17:05 | 显示全部楼层
第二法则 到底要不要模仿美国人发音?

  I think improving your accent in a foreign language is one thing and faking the accent another.

  Taking accent lessons in order to improve your accent and to speak with an "acceptable『可接受的』and pleasant" accent is not faking.

第三法则 坚持自己的发音

  Have you been to Asia? In India, they speak in what would best be described as an Indian accent. Japanese speak with Japanese accent. The Chinese have Chinese accents.

  This is the way it is and the way I hope it remains. Be yourself. Be proud of your accent『为自己的发音骄傲』. Sure, try improve your pronunciation but keep your accent. We don't all have to be Americans『我们不一定都要成为美国人』.

<a href="mailto:IsaacZ@163.com" target="_blank" >IsaacZ</A>想这里Brian指的一定不是顽固不化:-)

第四法则 学习地道发音


  Don't fake a foreign accent but improve your pronunciation of words.

  What I'm trying to say is, if my native accent does not fit properly with the language of English, I'll definitely change my accent or imitate something near which is at least pleasant to native speakers' ears.

  Reducing your natural accent is really tough. A lot of people tried but they failed.

第五法则 的士司机的启示

  One of our American customers『美国客户』got into a taxi from the airport one day, and as he talked with the driver, he noticed that the driver had very good spoken English, better, in fact, than most of Chinese he ever met! "Where did you learn your English?" he asked. "Oh," he replied, "I never went to secondary school『我中学都没有上过』. I drive a taxi every day, but while I'm driving around, I listen to the English radio stations『英语电台』. And if any English-speaking passenger gets in, I try to start a conversation with them. That's how I learn my English!"

  There are many things which contribute to『贡献』good spoken English, but an important question for you is this: to what extent are your attitudes similar to those of the taxi driver?『你的态度在多大程度上与这为出租车司机相同?』Are you willing to try to start a conversation with an English speaker? Or do you feel as if whenever you try to speak in English, your tongue『舌头』won't behave itself『不听使唤』and you can hardly make a sound?


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  • 打卡等级:常驻代表









 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-1 05:52:40 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 IsaacZ 于 2010-7-10 23:47 编辑

第十法则 提高发音的方法
Three ways to improve your pronunciation
  About this time, you're coming to the point where you may be wondering, what exactly are the mechanics of intonation『发音的技巧(秘诀)在哪里』? What changes when you put stress on a word? There are three ways to stress『强调』a word.
  1.The first way is to just get louder『大声』or raise the volume『提高音量』. This is not a very sophisticated『复杂的』way of doing it, but it will definitely command attention『但它确实可以吸引注意力』.
  2.The second way is to stretch『延伸』the word out or lengthen『延长』the word that you want to draw attention to『引起注意』.
  3.The third way, which is the most refined『精确的』, is to change pitch『改变音调』, although pausing just before changing the pitch is effective『在改变音调之前停顿也是一种有效的方法』, you don't want to do it every time, because then it becomes an obvious technique. However, it will make your audience stop and listen because they think you're going to say something interesting.第十四法则 到哪里学习标准地道的发音?
  Taking accent lessons with a native English speaking is not a bad idea. I had an accent class in College a couple of years ago and I learnt quite a lot. We were only five or six in the class『班上只有五、六个人』and the teacher (American) made us repeat some words five, ten or twenty times until we pronounced better.
  I recommend you to listen to CNN, MSNBC, and other American radios on the net daily. You should show great perseverance『坚持』and steadfastness『坚定』. After a while, your perseverance will be finally rewarded『回报』and you will see the difference.
  By the way, the BBC『英国广播公司』is very good too. On the BBC world, not only have you British accents but also American one's. 第十五法则 究竟什么是“母语”?
  Native language usually means the first language you learn after you are born. This language is usually learned from parents. It's kind of a confusing『迷惑的』term『词语』because people can have two or even more "native languages" depending on where they are born. For instance, someone of Latin American『拉丁美洲』descent『血统、后代』in the United States could easily learn Spanish『西班牙语』and English at the same time growing up from parents, relatives『亲戚』and their general environment, making both languages "native languages." Such a person is what has traditionally been called "bilingual『双语的』." The term is applied to『应用在』anyone who knows more than one language extremely well.
  Native speakers of English are people whose first language is English. They learned English when they were children. They think in English. They use it naturally. Usually native speakers of English are people from English-speaking countries like the USA, Great Britain, Australia, Canada, Ireland『爱尔兰』, etc.
  Talking to native speakers is a great way of improving your spoken English.
  Native speakers often don't realize that things they consider "simple" may be very difficult for English learners『英语为母语的人通常不会意识到对他们看来非常“简单”的事情,对英语学习者来说却有可能非常困难。』

Brian美语第十一法则 自己创造机会去练习英语!
Make your own opportunities to practice English
  Be brave『勇敢的』. Talk to students, professors and staff on the campus『学校教职工』or in the street. Ask other people about their lives and ideas. Look interested『要表现出兴趣来』.
  Talk to yourself in your room. Create situations in your mind. For example, pretend『想象』you're at the library and need help.
  Read a newspaper article and then, without looking, summarize『总结、概括』the article aloud to yourself. Read as many English books, newspapers and magazines as you can find.
  Keep a journal『日志』. Record your thoughts in English each night before you go to sleep.
  Talk to friends who are also learning English. Make a rule that perhaps for an hour, or when you go out together, you will only speak English to each other! Find native English-speaking people who will give you conversation practice.

Brian美语第十二法则 掌握一门语言的最好途径就是去使用它
  Everyone knows that the only really effective way to improve on language skills is to use the language. In reality, however, we know that there are many reasons why people don't want to speak in another language - they are afraid of making mistakes, they can't express their real meaning easily, they are shy, they are afraid people will laugh at them. We all feel this way some of the time, but if you really want to improve your spoken English, try some of the suggestions we have made here. Once you try putting some of these ideas and principles『法则』into practice, you will feel difference!

Brian美语第十三法则 尽量去说!
  Talk with everyone who will talk with you. Your listening comprehension『听力能力』and vocabulary will improve a lot, as will your ability to speak comfortably『舒适地』and quickly.
  However, ninety-nine percent of older teenagers and adults need to do more than talk to learn a language well. Continual『持续的』study is necessary, too. Your accurate『精确的』English grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation help you make English-speaking friends.
  Study and practice saying useful phrases『学习和练习说有用的句子』-- hundreds of them -- until you can say them well and say them confidently. Carry around a little notebook and study while you wait in line or walk down the street. Rather than focus on isolated words, write down and practice phrases, expressions, common idioms『习惯用语』, and parts of useful dialogs that you need in formal and informal situations『正式和非正式场合』.
  Practice pronunciation -- not just individual sounds, but putting sounds and words together. (Pronunciation seldom improves by just talking and listening『仅仅是通过听说来提高发音是不够的』.)
  Keep studying grammar. Grammar isn't separate from listening and speaking.

第十四法则 到哪里学习标准地道的发音?
  Taking accent lessons with a native English speaking is not a bad idea. I had an accent class in College a couple of years ago and I learnt quite a lot. We were only five or six in the class『班上只有五、六个人』and the teacher (American) made us repeat some words five, ten or twenty times until we pronounced better.
  I recommend you to listen to CNN, MSNBC, and other American radios on the net daily. You should show great perseverance『坚持』and steadfastness『坚定』. After a while, your perseverance will be finally rewarded『回报』and you will see the difference.
  By the way, the BBC『英国广播公司』is very good too. On the BBC world, not only have you British accents but also American one's.

第十五法则 究竟什么是“母语”?
  Native language usually means the first language you learn after you are born. This language is usually learned from parents. It's kind of a confusing『迷惑的』term『词语』because people can have two or even more "native languages" depending on where they are born. For instance, someone of Latin American『拉丁美洲』descent『血统、后代』in the United States could easily learn Spanish『西班牙语』and English at the same time growing up from parents, relatives『亲戚』and their general environment, making both languages "native languages." Such a person is what has traditionally been called "bilingual『双语的』." The term is applied to『应用在』anyone who knows more than one language extremely well.
  Native speakers of English are people whose first language is English. They learned English when they were children. They think in English. They use it naturally. Usually native speakers of English are people from English-speaking countries like the USA, Great Britain, Australia, Canada, Ireland『爱尔兰』, etc.
  Talking to native speakers is a great way of improving your spoken English.
  Native speakers often don't realize that things they consider "simple" may be very difficult for English learners『英语为母语的人通常不会意识到对他们看来非常“简单”的事情,对英语学习者来说却有可能非常困难。』

Brian美语第十六法则 英语的习惯用法
  Native English speakers use a lot of idioms『习惯用语』, that is - words used in a way which is not their obvious meaning. An English speaker may say:
  "I do not think much of apples『我不太喜欢苹果』."
  This does not mean he doesn't often think about apples. It means that he does not like apples very much!
  Another example:“He was born with a silver spoon『勺子』in his mouth『他含着银勺子出生(出生于富贵人家)』.”
  This also does not mean when he was born, there is a silver spoon right there in his mouth. It means that he was born in a very rich family.
  The same examples are everywhere!
  But don't worry. You will find that you can understand and communicate even when you have not been learning English for long!『即使开始学英语的时间不长但也能明白别人的谈话,并与人交流!』

Brian美语第十七法则 学习英语具体实施方法
  Here we will suggest some concrete things you can do on your own to improve your English - spoken English in particular『特别是关于英语口语』.
  - Listen to the radio. You could get up five minutes earlier and listen to the news in English.
  - Watch the English Channel『英语频道』in TV to improve your listening skills. Try watching the news in English instead of Chinese. If you watch a movie and it has subtitles『字幕』, try taping a paper over them『给字幕蒙上纸条』.
  - Invite your English teacher to lunch! Find a friend who also wants to improve his or her English and have lunch or dinner together - speaking English of course.
  - Check out books, cassette tapes, and other materials in English from your local library. Look especially for books which have lots of dialogue『对话』in them. When you go to see English films, try not to watch the Chinese subtitles『试着不看中文字幕』.
  - Learn the words to some popular songs.
  - Choose a famous person whose accent you admire, and if you can get recordings of him or her, imitate『模仿』the way he or she speaks.
  - Practice situations when you are alone, perhaps in front of a mirror『镜子』. Imagine introducing yourself, disagreeing with someone's ideas, being interviewed or asking for information.
  - Make friends with the exchange students『交换学生』on your campus - they are there because they want cross - cultural『跨文化的』communication. Communicate with them!
  - Find a friend or two and agree to speak English at certain regular『定期的』times - after a class together, at dinner every Tuesday, or riding home on the train.
  - Practice reading aloud - get someone to check your pronunciation, or record yourself on tape『把自己的发音录在磁带上』and analyze『分析』your own speech. Set goals『制定目标』of specific things you can work on improving - for example, differences between words that contain "l" and "n" or "w" and "v". Keep notes of words you often mispronounce『发错音』and practice them.
  - If you have a chance to travel, take advantage of the opportunities to use English - airlines and hotel and restaurant staff, fellow travelers『旅行同伴』and passengers. Visit a former English teacher either from secondary school『中学』or from a course you took at university. Teachers like to hear how their students are doing.

Brian美语第十八法则 几个你可能改变不了的方面
  So, you want to improve your English? At your age and level of language learning, there are some things you can't change. For example, you can't change ...
  - the innate『先天的、天生的』language learning ability that you were or were not born with;
  - your ability to distinguish『区分』between different sounds and your ability to make them;
  - your power of memorization『记住』and recall『回想』.

Brian美语第十九法则 几个你能够通过努力取得进步的方面
  However, there are many things you CAN do, and the first and most important thing is to try to change your attitudes about using and speaking English. For example, you can try ...
  - not to be embarrassed『感到尴尬』about making mistakes;
  - to be more outgoing『外向的,喜结交的』and take more social initiative『社会活动』;
  - to ask questions when you do not understand something;
  - to greet『问候』your English teacher rather than crossing to the other side of the road『拐到路另一侧』;
  - to make opportunities to practice your English (and not just wait for them to come along or expect others to make them for you);
  - to commend『称赞』yourself for every extra effort『额外努力』you make to use your English;
  - to have fun with your English instead of just studying and worrying about it;
  - to stop saying either to yourself or others, "Oh dear, my English is poor. It will never improve!" It will improve, but only if you use it!

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  • 打卡等级:常驻代表









 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-1 06:22:34 | 显示全部楼层
第二十法则 口语永远不会获得进步的人的特征

The Not-So-Good Learner

  Don't try to say anything that you don't know how to say;

  Avoid making mistakes so as not to appear foolish『显得愚蠢』;

  Pay little attention to your own speech or the speech of others;

  Rely too much on grammar;

  Don't try to guess at meanings;

  Don't practice.

第二十一法则 口语会取得进步的人的特征The Good Language Learner

 Struggle hard to communicate, to get your message across『传达清楚』;

  Are willing to make mistakes, even to appear foolish;

  Monitor your own speech and the speech of others, checking for mistakes and deviations『偏差』from intended meaning『预先想表达的意思』;


第二十三法则 美国流行音乐也能提高英语口语水平?

  Born as a Chinese, I really fell in love with English pop songs『流行音乐』4 years ago I've been touched by the fantastic『奇异的、优美的、难以相信的』melodies『韵律』. And these lead me to know much about English, that's why I love things about English day by day, including the singers, the actors, the way they think and behave.

  So, I act as they acted and I sing as they sang. Amazingly, I found my spoken English is improving day by day. In my opinion, the music is acting a very important part in improving my English, especially my spoken English.

  One of my friends did the same, she listened to music and her English is now improved a lot, it really does help.

(IsaacZ注: 有个别语法错误)

第二十四法则 喜欢美国英语的原因!

  I like American English because there are some reasons.<EM>(IsaacZ注:有语病)</EM>

  1) Americans pronounce words loudly and clearly.

  2) Their accents vary from people to people. Never boring. Once you get used to listening their accents, you'll enjoy listening to them.

  3) No hard and fast grammar rules. For example, They use "will" with all subjects in expressing views in the simple future tense『美国人可以将"will"用于所有的一般将来时的表述上』.

  4) Their spelling of words are quite simple and easy to remember.

  For example: Center, (instead of 'centre'), color, (instead of ' Colour ').


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客人 该用户已被删除
发表于 2006-6-26 04:24:54 | 显示全部楼层
very good, thank you for sharing

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-1 05:51:15 | 显示全部楼层
第六法则 学习美国人发音

What to do with your mouth to sound American?

<BR>  One of the main differences between the way an American talks and the way the rest of the world talks is that they don't really move their lips『嘴唇』. They create most of their sounds in the throat『喉部』, using their tongue『舌头』very actively. If you hold your fingers over your lips or clench your jaws『握住喉部』when you practice American English, you will find yourself much closer to native-sounding speech than if you try to pronounce every single sound very carefully.

第七法则 美国发音的夸张

Exaggerate the American sound!

  Most Americans came from somewhere else, American English reflects the accent contributions of many lands『美语包括了各个地区不同的发音』. The speech has become much more exaggerated『夸张的』than British English, developing a strong and distinctive intonation『语调、声调』. If you use this intonation, not only will you be easier to understand, but you will sound much more confident, dynamic『富有活力的』, and persuasive『善于说服的』.

  The sound of an American speaking a foreign language is very distinctive『与众不同的、有特色的』. For example, in Japanese or Spanish『西班牙语』, the word no is, to our ear, abbreviated『no这个单词听起来很简化(就是/nou/)』. But in American English, it’s different:

  No /nou/            /no ou/

  Normal English      standard American.

第八法则 不要逐字说英语

Do not speak word by word

  If you speak word by word, as many people who learned English do, you’ll end up sounding mechanical and foreign『你的发音听起来会机械、奇怪』. You may have noticed the same thing happens in your own language; when someone reads a speech, even a native speaker, it sounds stiff『生硬的』and stilted『虚饰的』, quite different from a normal conversational tone『正常说话时的语调』.

第九法则 以句子为单位说

Connect words to form sound groups

  This is where you're going to start something completely different than what you have done in your previous English studies. This part is the most difficult for many people because it goes against『与……不同』everything they've taught. Instead of thinking of each word as a unit『单位』, think of sound units. These sound units may or may not correspond to『与……对应』a word written on a page. Native speakers don't say“Bob is on the phone”, but say“baibizan the foun.”Sound units make a sentence flow smoothly『以声调为单位使句子(听起来)更平滑』.


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发表于 2006-9-8 14:44:58 | 显示全部楼层

very nice


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发表于 2006-11-22 14:08:26 | 显示全部楼层
嗯 真的是很不错呢 非常喜欢



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