三、创建一个 IG(Interactive Graphics )项
⒈点击 DataTree 界面,对 Data 文件夹右键,New > VirtualAsset from the shortcut menu (就是第三个)。
弹出 Create Virtual Asset dialog 窗口,选择 IG 项。
⒉点击 OK 键后,弹出 Set Graphic Parameter 窗口,根据菜单将要应用到的视频分辨率、帧率选择对应项,我这次使用的视频是 1920×1080 24.00FPS,就会在 DataTree 界面中出现一个 IG#1 项。
• 对 IG 项右键选择 New > Virtual Asset from the shortcut menu ,在弹出窗口中选择 Epoch 并单击 OK,一个 Epoch 项就添加到 IG 中。
• 展开 IG 项, 对 Epoch 项右键选择 New > Virtual Asset from the shortcut menu,在弹出窗口中选择 DisplaySet 并单击 OK,一个 DisplaySet 项就添加到 Epoch 项中,并且自动在 DisplaySet 项中添加一个 Palette 项。
• 对 DisplaySet 项右键选择 New > Virtual Asset from the shortcut menu,在弹出窗口中选择 Page 并单击 OK,一个 Page 项就添加到 DisplaySet 项中,并且自动在 Page 中添加 UOMask、InEffect、OutEffect 项。
• 展开 DisplaySet 和 Page 项,对 Page 项右键选择 New > Virtual Asset from the shortcut menu,在弹出窗口中选择 ButtonOverlapGroup 并单击 OK,一个 BOG 项就添加到 Page 项中。
•对 BOG 项右键选择 New > Virtual Asset from the shortcut menu,在弹出窗口中选择 Button 并单击 OK,一个 Button 项就添加到 BOG 项中。
当然,生成 IG 项还有相对简洁的方式,就是点击 DataTree 界面,对 Data 文件夹右键,选择 New > Graphic Asset from the shortcut menu,在弹出窗口选择 IG 单击 OK,再选择好分辨率帧率后,就会弹出一个 Create IG Assect 窗口,这里就可以更直观方便地进行添加,而且针对已经生成的 IG 项,一样可以通过右键 New > Graphic Asset from the shortcut menu 弹出 Create IG Assect 窗口,进行项的添加删减。
• Attribute
• Stream Model 设置 IG 的数据流类型:选项有 Multiplexed 和 Non Multiplexed。
• User Interface Model 设置 IG 的显现模式:选项有 Always On 和 Pop Up,前者是总是显现,后者通过调出菜单键来调出或隐藏 IG。
• Composition State 有四个选项:
• Normal Case:means that the Display Set contains only elements that are changed from the previous composition.
• Acquisition Point:means that the Display Set contains all elements needed to display the next composition.
• Epoch Start:indicates the start of a new Epoch; the Display Set contains all elements needed to display the next composition.
• Epoch Continue:means that the Epoch may be continued across into this graphics stream from the previous graphics stream when seamless connection conditions apply. The Display Set contains all elements needed to display the next composition.
• User Timeout Duration 设置 IG 菜单在用户持续多久没有操作后自动消失:如果设置为零 (00:00:00:00),则为无限时间;在 User Interface Model 中设置 Always On,那么效果就一直是无限时间;设置为 Pop Up,则 IG 菜单会在你设置的超时时限到了后自动消失。
以下的这些选项,只有在 Stream Model 选择了 Multiplexed 后才会启用。
• PTS Drop Frame:sets the PTS start time for the IG Display Set.
• PTS Non Drop Frame:sets the PTS start time for the IG Display Set.
• Stream Model
• Composition Timeout PTS (Drop Frame) :sets how long the IG is displayed (in drop frame contexts) before it is removed.
• Composition Timeout PTS Non Drop Frame) :sets how long the IG is displayed (in non drop frame contexts) before it is removed.
• Selection Timeout PTS (Drop Frame):sets the valid interaction time within an Epoch (in drop frame contexts).
• Selection Timeout PTS Non Drop Frame):sets the valid interaction time within an Epoch (in non drop frame contexts).