本帖最后由 IsaacZ 于 2010-1-3 21:24 更新TWA4中创建代理编辑文件是做什么用的?我在转化之前,光创建这个就用了20分钟.可不可以跳过这一个过程呢? 本帖最后由 IsaacZ 于 2010-1-3 21:29 更新
一般建议选择第一项“如果是高清则创建(自动)”,如果你确定不需要对于源文件进行剪切操作,完全可以选择第三项“不创建”跳过这个过程。 有学了一招,谢谢,知道了。 终于明白了。 明白了,收到,谢谢 恩,有点了解这方面的知识了。 This window appears each time you import a file into the clip list of the Source stage.
The proxy editing file is a method that overcomes the lack of processing power of the host computer during clip editing by creating a simplified copy of the source file. This copy is then used by TMPGEnc Authoring Works 4 for all the playback in functions such as cut-edit, preview, menu editing and simulation. The output builder instead does not use the proxy file and accesses directly to the source files. Note the proxy creation process may take a lot of times but occurs only once for each designated source.
“Create when the clip is in HD resolution (automatic)”
By clicking on this button the proxy editing file creator first checks the source file and creates a proxy when its vertical resolution is higher than 576 pixels (which is the highest vertical standard resolution).
Once imported, the clip content is displayed in the Clip editor. 增长见识,多谢 谢了学习了 谢谢了。