解决TMPGenc Authoring Works 4的“写入设备已停止”错误
TMPGEnc的FAQ:http://www.pegasys-inc.com/chs/Question: The "The writing drive is stopped" error appears.Answer:If you use Source Next's "B's Recorder GOLD" application on the same computer, it is possible this application stopped. In this case the TMPGEnc Authoring Works 4 Writing engine may also stop.If the problem described above applies, you may be able to resolve it by using the following method:
(For moderate to highly knowledgeable users)- Windows XP
1. In the "Control panel", double-click the "Administrative Tools" icon, then double-click the "Service" icon.
2. From there, look for the "B's Recorder GOLD Library General Service" item in the "Service (local)" list andverify its Status.
3. If its status is empty or "Stopped", right-click on it and then select "Start".- Windows Vista
1. In the "Control panel", double-click the "Computer Management" icon.
2. When the "Computer Management" window appears, double-click the "Services and Applications" item in the leftcolumn, then double-click the "Services" item in the right column. The "Services" window appears.
3. Look for the "B's Recorder GOLD Library General Service" item in the "Service (local)" list and verify itsStatus.
4. If the "Status" column for this service is empty or "Stopped", right-click on it and then select "Start".
回答:如果你在同一机器上使用了 Source Next 的 "B's Recorder GOLD" 刻录软件,这个刻录软件可能会异常中止。这种情况下,TMPGEnc Authoring Works 4 的刻录引擎也可能中止。如果上述问题出现,你可以通过如下方法解决:
——Windows XP
2。从“服务(本地)”列表寻找“B's Recorder GOLD Library General Service”项目,查验其状态。
—— Windows Vista
3。在“服务(本地)”列表寻找“B's Recorder GOLD Library General Service”项目,查验其状态。
3、中间栏中找到“B's Recorder GOLD Library General Service”项,右键——“属性”
4、“服务状态”改为“启动”;“启动类型”由“手动”改为“自动”,否则每次关机后依然要操作一次。 已经出现这个问题了,感谢分享
不知有没有效,试下先 太感谢啦。。。 参考:TAW4安装后,若清除或禁止运行bgsvcgen.exe文件则在成功打包后无法刻录【刻录机问题】