FLV Extract 1.6.2 绿色版【Flash Video资源提取器(分离器),无损提取FLV、F4V、PFV】
视频可提取 AVI(H.263/FLV1)(VP6/VP6F)(H.264/AVC),
音频可提取 MP3,AAC(ADTS标头),WAV(PCM)。
只要是标记为 Flash Video 的视频文件都可以提取,比如 FLV、F4V、PFV。
三个勾分别对应“视频”、“时间码” 和“音频”,请根据需要选择输出全部还是一部分。最后把FLV往里面一拖,选中的资源会自动输出到视频所在的文件夹下。
Extracts video and audio from FLV files without decompressing or recompressing. The video is saved as AVI (H.263/FLV1 and VP6/VP6F) or raw elementary stream (H.264/AVC). The audio is saved as MP3, AAC (with ADTS headers), Speex, or WAV (PCM).
NOTE: You cannot change the video/audio format that FLV Extract outputs. It depdends on what is contained in the FLV file. If you need a different format, you'll have to use other software to convert it. Or, ffmpeg (command line) can extract from FLV and convert in one step.
NOTE: The AVIs will not play unless you have the right decoders. ffdshow-tryouts can decode FLV1 and VP6F; make sure they're enabled in its configuration dialog.
NOTE: H.264 elementary streams are not widely supported by players, but you can use DGAVCDec to load them with AviSynth for editing.
1.6.2 (2011-Apr-06):
[*]Fixed MP3 VBR header incorrectly indicating that its frame has a CRC.
1.6.1 (2010-Aug-15):
[*]Fixed 0-byte output for CBR MP3 audio less than 64KB.
[*]Detects MP4 files and recommends YAMB/MP4Box.
[*]Work around auto scaling bug in .NET Framework for high DPI compatibility.
1.6.0 (2009-May-28):
[*]Writes VBR header for VBR MP3s (fixes players showing incorrect duration).
[*]Recognizes format variants added in Flash 9 (MP3 8 kHz and PCM little endian).
[*]Fixes problem with low bitrate Speex.
1.5.1 (2009-May-26):
[*]Shows suggested cropping for VP6 videos that were mod-16 padded by the encoder.
[*]Separates Speex frames into their own packets to work around buggy decoders, writes multiple packets per Ogg page to reduce overhead.
1.5.0 (2009-May-25):
[*]Supports Speex (.spx) audio.
[*]Command line version (FLVExtractCL).
1.4.0 (2008-Nov-16):
[*]Supports H.264/AVC, written as a raw elementary stream.
[*]Supports AAC, written as .aac with ADTS headers.
[*]Extracts VP6 alpha channel to a separate file.
[*]Prompts before overwriting files.
Full Change Log
迅雷下载:FLV_Extract 1.6.2.zip
下载吧提示您:FLV Extract需要.NET Framework 支持(Vista/7自带),如果运行时提示错误,请点击这里下载并安装.NET:
相关用例:[已解决] 十万火急,pfv视频文件不能转换成dvd格式
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