Nero AAC Enc 下载,Nero官方aac编码器
Nero AAC Enc 下载,Nero官方aac编码器访问密码:dianbo)*************************************************************
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*Nero AAC Encoder *
*Copyright 2009 Nero AG *
*All Rights Reserved Worldwide *
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*Package build date: Dec 17 2009 *
*Package version: *
* *
*See -help for a complete list of available parameters. *
* *
neroAacEnc -if <input-file> -of <output-file>
<input-file>: Path to source file to encode.
The file must be in Microsoft WAV format and contain PCM data.
Specify - to encode from stdin.
<output-file> : Path to output file to encode to, in MP4 format.
==== Available options: ====
Quality/bitrate control:
-q <number> : Enables "target quality" mode.
<number> is a floating-point number in 0...1 range.
-br <number>: Specifies "target bitrate" mode.
<number> is target bitrate in bits per second.
-cbr <number> : Specifies "target bitrate (streaming)" mode.
<number> is target bitrate in bits per second.
When neither of above quality/bitrate options is used,
the encoder defaults to equivalent of -q 0.5
Multipass encoding:
-2pass : Enables two-pass encoding mode.
Note that two-pass more requires a physical file as input,
rather than stdin.
-2passperiod: Overrides two-pass encoding bitrate averaging period,
<number> : in milliseconds.
: Specify zero to use least restrictive value possible (default).
Advanced features / troubleshooting:
-lc : Forces use of LC AAC profile (HE features disabled)
-he : Forces use of HE AAC profile (HEv2 features disabled)
-hev2 : Forces use of HEv2 AAC profile
Note that the above switches (-lc, -he, -hev2) should not be
used; optimal AAC profile is automatically determined from
quality/bitrate settings when no override is specified.
-ignorelength : Ignores length signaled by WAV headers of input file.
Useful for certain frontends using stdin.
正需要,谢谢楼主分享!!! 我也看看,:handshake 回复 1# pdl
请问楼主,这个怎么安装啊,我下载打开后,在win32下点那三个文件,只是黑了一下,就没反应啦,找了一下电脑的音频编码也没增加啊,请看我 的截图,谢谢!!!
回复 4# wmjqwer
比如 neroaacenc -br 48 -2pass -if "c:\1.wav" -of "c:\1.aac" 本帖最后由 wmjqwer 于 2011-3-16 13:27 编辑
:'(回复 5# pdl
还是不懂,不会用!!!!能给个教程吗:handshake 回复 6# wmjqwer
2.文件内容改为neroaacenc -br 码率 -if "输入文件" -of "输出文件"
就可简单的编码,也可在-if前酌情添加-2pass / -hev2 / -he / -lc
3.运行bat文件 我要用· 官网现在不让下了 很需要,急需要,谢谢楼主! 收下了。