翻译:the exuberant faith of Orthodox Christian peasant-pilgrims【兼谈篇章分析】
本帖最后由 IsaacZ 于 2010-10-7 10:20 编辑老师,您好。能不能请您翻译一下粗体部分。感觉理解不了了……
In the spring of 1854, as the Crimean fighting began in earnest, an Anglican cleric declared that Russian Orthodoxy was as “impure, demoralising, and intolerant as popery itself”. What could be more natural, then, than to team up with Islam and popery to cleanse that terrible impurity? A French newspaper, meanwhile, gave warning that the Russians represented a special menace to all Catholics because “they hope to convert us to their heresy”.
As Mr Figes recalls, the tactical friendship between Western Christians and Ottoman Muslims had its limits. To be sure, British envoys to the Holy Land probably found more in common with lordly Ottoman administrators than with the exuberant faith of Orthodox Christian peasant-pilgrims. But not all Muslim Turks were overjoyed at being embraced, and hailed as Christian-friendly, by Western powers. When in 1856 the sultan yielded to Western pressure and granted Christians some equality, there was a backlash from the Islamic establishment across the empire.
It is a complex tale, told vividly by Mr Figes. Perhaps it should serve as a healthy cold shower for any modern civilisational warrior who sets out to present the course of history as a simple tug-of-war between Christianity and Islam.
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As Mr Figes recalls, the tactical friendship between Western Christians and Ottoman Muslims had its limits(有其限制). To be sure(诚然), British envoys to the Holy Land probably found more in common with lordly Ottoman administrators(贵族统治者) than with the exuberant faith of Orthodox Christian peasant-pilgrims(农民朝圣者). But(但是) not all Muslim Turks (但是并非所有土耳其穆斯林)were overjoyed at being embraced, and hailed as Christian-friendly, by Western powers. When in 1856 the sultan yielded to Western pressure and granted Christians some equality, there was a backlash from the Islamic establishment across the empire.
我不是翻译高手,老是找我翻译,我可吃不消…… 回复 3# IsaacZ
谢谢老师,还有一个对比觉得很奇怪,in more common with administrators than with the faith of...administrators和faith怎么处在一个位置上呢?
还有那个……老师……我是不是问得问题太多了…… 回复 4# Suqi
你想我有多少时间去猜测提问者的真正意图? 回复 5# IsaacZ
给老师带来了不便,深表歉意。 对比的主体似乎不在一个平面,但既然人家用出来了,理解之可矣。
你提到的许多文章实际上是超出我的学习领域的,大量生词我都不认识。如果你能读这样的文章,水平应该不低呀?看来你应该加强语法和篇章分析。 回复 7# IsaacZ
(这个会不会有些离题了……) 本帖最后由 IsaacZ 于 2010-10-7 13:47 编辑
回复 8# Suqi
篇章分析的要点在于主题句(Topic sentence)的判断。一个段落的主题句往往限定话题的范围。主题句通常出现在段首或段尾。
可以在网上搜索“篇章分析”或“阅读技巧”之类的文章读读。另外,经常对中文篇章进行分析,也有助于英语阅读水平的提高。 回复 9# IsaacZ