文意理解:based on withholding future EU payment
本帖最后由 IsaacZ 于 2010-10-4 23:52 编辑老师,您好。请问based on withholding future EU payment是指什么呢?是指因为希腊债务危机,欧盟拨出千亿欧元进行救助,所以这个parallel system是以出现类似情况,欧盟不用再纾困付款为基础的。好像也不对……上下文看来看去也没弄明白……谢谢老师~~:)
The commission’s suggested solution is to appoint itself as fire warden, firefighter and prosecutor. European leaders agreed earlier this month to submit their budgets to Brussels for scrutiny six months earlier than they used to. Countries will be monitored not just for excessive deficits and debts, but also for imbalances and falling competitiveness. Penalties for the recalcitrant will include warnings and deposits of up to 0.2% of GDP into, first, interest-bearing accounts, and then into non-interest bearing ones. In the end, these funds could be forfeited entirely.
The idea is to impose sanctions early in the process rather than at the end, when they would only exacerbate a country’s fiscal problems. It is also to focus as much on debt levels as on annual fiscal deficits. To reduce ministers’ temptation to protect each other, the commission suggests “reverse voting”: instead of a majority being required to impose sanctions, the penalties would be approved unless a majority votes them down.
All this would apply at first only to the euro zone, for which the legal powers are clearer. But later there could be a parallel system, based on withholding future EU payments, for those outside the euro. This would have to wait for next year’s round of budget negotiations. Britain will keep its opt-out, but several non-euro members want shackles. As a senior EU source says, “it’s strange to hear countries saying: ‘We want sanctions!’”
source:http://www.economist.com/node/17149082?story_id=17149082PS:老师,这个字体我调大了,编辑完后,它又变小了……反复了几次都是这样…… 我在原文中标记了两处。
让我们猜想一下,后面的 withhold future EU payments 与前面那个 forfeit deposits 有没有关系?
前面先说 euro 体系内的国家要先交 deposits ,要是出问题就会被 forfeited (罚没);
下文又说 euro 体系外的国家要扣除 payments ,这是将来(future)要 withhold (扣除)的。
前后不正好是 parallel system (平行制度)吗? 回复 2# IsaacZ
啊~~就是这样~~~我一直把EU payment理解成是欧盟成员国要付的款……这里区分的是欧元区内和欧元区外的欧盟国家~~