redrose 发表于 2010-8-21 23:52:06


本帖最后由 redrose 于 2010-8-22 01:00 编辑

ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local/Temp/burrrn_temp/01_7仔-SHE..wav": No such file or directory
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:6: Cannot determine length of track data specification.
ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local/Temp/burrrn_temp/02_爱你爱得好疲惫-龙晓飞.flac": No such file or directory
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:10: Cannot determine length of track data specification.
ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local/Temp/burrrn_temp/03_爱你是我犯了错-李琳.flac": No such file or directory
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:14: Cannot determine length of track data specification.
ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local/Temp/burrrn_temp/04_爱死了昨天-李慧珍.flac": No such file or directory
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:18: Cannot determine length of track data specification.
ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local/Temp/burrrn_temp/05_爱转角-罗志祥.flac": No such file or directory
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:22: Cannot determine length of track data specification.
ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local/Temp/burrrn_temp/06_不死心还在-信乐团&动力火车.flac": No such file or directory
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:26: Cannot determine length of track data specification.
ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local/Temp/burrrn_temp/07_擦肩而过-宇桐非&王冰洋.flac": No such file or directory
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:30: Cannot determine length of track data specification.
ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local
ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local/Temp/burrrn_temp/08_崇拜-梁静茹.flac.wav": No such file or directory
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:34: Cannot determine length of track data specification.
ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local/Temp/burrrn_temp/09_光年-李圣杰.flac": No such file or directory
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:38: Cannot determine length of track data specification.
ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local/Temp/burrrn_temp/10_光荣-BOBO.fl.wav": No such file or directory
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:42: Cannot determine length of track data specification.
ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local/Temp/burrrn_temp/11_会呼吸的痛-梁静茹.flac": No such file or directory
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:46: Cannot determine length of track data specification.
ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local/Temp/burrrn_temp/12_老鼠已经爱上你-巫启贤.flac": No such file or directory
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:50: Cannot determine length of track data specification.
ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local/Temp/burrrn_temp/13_没有你的日子我好孤单-韩晶.flac": No such file or directory
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:54: Cannot determine length of track data specification.
ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local/Temp/burrrn_temp/14_你是我心内的一首歌-王力宏&Selina.flac": No such file or directory
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:58: Cannot determine length of track data specification.
ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local/Temp/burrrn_temp/15_千里之外-费玉清.flac": No such file or directory
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:62: Cannot determine length of track data specification.
ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local/Temp/burrrn_temp/16_青花瓷-JAY.fl.wav": No such file or directory
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:66: Cannot dete
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:66: Cannot determine length of track data specification.
ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local/Temp/burrrn_temp/17_特务J-蔡依琳.flac.wav": No such file or directory
ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:70: Cannot determine length of track data specification.

IsaacZ 发表于 2010-8-22 02:24:07

ERROR: Cannot open audio file "C:/Users/redrose/AppData/Local/Temp/burrrn_temp/01_7仔-SHE..wav": No such file or directory
错误:打不开音频文件“.... .wav”:文件或目录不存在

ERROR: C:\Program Files (x86)\Burrrn\burrrn.toc:6: Cannot determine length of track data specification.

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 用Burrrn刻录软件刻录FLAC文件制作CD失败,错误信息是什么意思,原因在那里?